

Friday, November 21, 2008

Review articles: "pungli di dinas pendidikan aceh terekam video", an Ethics perspective

First of all i'll tell you the main idea of this article, Aceh's Government Anti Corruption Team (Tim Anti Korupsi Aceh/TAKPA) was recorded suspect of unformal paid (pungli) in last monday, November 10th 2008 at unit II building, Aceh's Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan Aceh). The tape showed the meeting between ten tender winner company representative with tender committee implementer, the company representative paid for the tender committee implementer to make issued of letter order of work easier, they paid for about 1,5 million rupiah per company. and on the articles next day, the winning tender company said that they gave the money because they want to and there's no pressure from any parties.

what we can see from the articles above is even the tender winner says that they give the money because they want and there's no pressure, still that is not ethics, because they give the money for a purpose. In public opinion, it can called bribery, and that is a crime. Plus, the fact that it happened in government environment which has tried to do good governance public's satisfaction. This is an embarrassing thing happened to Aceh's Education Office and we all hope that it will be the last.